3d Printing Design

I knew my outcome would be consist of campaign posters, however I wanted to try and 3D print my object as it would be interesting to physically see my design come to life. The bottle I created is a complex design for 3D printers to ‘render’ as its made of glass and the physics of the printer wont allow printing two bottles inside each other without collapsing. The only way to get this perfect replica of my bottle was to hand it over to the professional who will physically sand and polish the prints to create a glass like finish. 

After printing the bottle, a lot of issues flagged up. The bottle was physically to big, it looked more like a perfume bottle than a serum, which wasn’t technically right. The head and dropper were incredibly tiny compared to what the right sizes should be. This is the tricky part in 3D designing, different angles give a different look, you cannot physically look at two at the same time like in the real world.

The 3d printer messed up my packaging design but they were just for trial and error. In order to get the transparent look, I would need to vacuum suction the 3d print. After two trials, the 3d print collapsed. The measurements were quite small as well compared to the bottle.

After seeing the final prints, I knew if I wanted to present these on the show, they would be done by professionals.