Since Bruno Mars - That’s What I Like music video game out, I have always liked the way it was done. Jonathan Lia who directed the video included “hand-drawn animations relating to the lyrics adding the only flourishes to the natural Mars charisma and fancy footwork.” (Knight, 2017)
After speaking to VJ about animating my stills, he suggested looking at rotoscoping. It is an animation technique that animators use to trace over motion picture footage, frame by frame, to produce realistic action. However, thinking out of the box, I will be joining this process with Cinemagraph, still photographs in which a minor and repeated movement occurs, forming a video clip. By combining these two, I will be creating something influenced from Bruno Mars and Ignasi Monreal.
The illustrations done will be based on one or several stories falling under the theme of Identity. If I manage to finish in time, I might take it even further and create an installation piece.
I started to experiment on how it would look like, creating cinemagraphs but they look very “industrial”. If I were to add the rotoscoping, it might look more organic and flow together.
Knight, D. (2017). Bruno Mars 'That's What I Like' by Jonathan Lia and Bruno Mars | Promonews. [online] Promonewstv. Available at: [Accessed 20 Oct. 2018].