Current news circling around the idea of globalisation and cultural identity, is about an Instagram model Tara Fares, 22, who was killed on September 27 in Baghdad. She had more than 2.6 million followers and was known for her outspoken comments on freedom, life and religion.
Fares was killed in broad daylight on 27 September while driving her Porsche through the Iraqi capital of Baghdad. A gunman shot her three times in her car before escaping on a motorbike, just a day after she was voted one of Iraq’s most followed online stars. Fares was well known on Iraq's fledgling beauty pageant circuit and had competed in the both Miss Iraq and Miss Baghdad contests (ALDERSLEY, 2018).
Iraq's Interior Ministry looked into the shooting and said that extremists were behind her death. Iraq is a very conservative Muslim society and Fares was often threatened for wearing revealing clothing.
This makes you question the idea of identity, where being “too western” in the Middle East is not acceptable. She was struggling with her personal and cultural identity.
ALDERSLEY, M. (2018). Shocking moment model is shot dead at the wheel of Porsche in Iraq. [online] Mail Online. Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2018].